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nurse virtual assistant

You won't be let down. Contact Portiva right away to begin enhancing the effectiveness of YOUR profession. This makes it easier than ever to identify high-risk patients who require extra attention or care. The virtual nurse assistant, or VNA, is a platform driven by AI that streamlines processes and enhances doctor workflow. Because they are still in their infancy, virtual nurse assistant positions have a lot of space for creativity. Get in touch with them now and let them show you how their virtual nurse assistants can help make your practice thrive. Scheduling visits, creating discharge summaries, ordering tests or treatments for patients, entering patient data into electronic health record systems, and discussing test results with doctors are just a few of the duties nurses perform as virtual assistants. Additionally, because most healthcare companies demand continuing education credits from nurses in every position, these positions offer excellent professional advancement opportunities. With Portiva's virtual medical staffing services, doctors and other healthcare providers can rest assured that their patients receive the best possible care. Using a skilled virtual assistant can significantly lower stress levels for time-constrained doctors who have demanding workloads and are frequently pressed for time. nurse virtual assistant