What is another name for a virtual assistant

Virtual Medical Assistant Services

This allows a healthcare facility to outsource administrative and clinical tasks to virtual assistants, resulting in reduced overhead costs, increased operational efficiency, and a higher focus on delivering quality care. They assist in cost-cutting without compromising quality, and their services are offered to a range of clientele around the world. However, the development of virtual medical assistant services has revolutionized healthcare by allowing physicians, dentists, and veterinarians to alleviate their workload. The assistant provides a virtual service, which means that they can operate without being physically present. It should go without saying that the COVID-19 pandemic has made it more challenging for medical personnel, such as doctors, dentists, and veterinarians, to provide care to patients. With their role as an extension of the medical staff, virtual assistants can improve patient care and improve the patient experience. With the rapidly expanding healthcare industry, virtual medical assistants' need to enable doctors to focus on their core duties has significantly increased. A virtual assistant is one who can work from a distance without being physically present. What is another name for a virtual assistant